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Grow Your Money & Improve the Environment

global traveler on trail

You might be a global traveler who has experienced the great marvels this earth has to offer. You might be someone who worries about what the world will be like as your children become adults. Sustainability is a very real and personal value you hold close. Through green investing, you can support your values and beliefs by ensuring your money is going to companies that care about their environmental impact.

One drop in a big pond can still cause ripples. This is a tried and true philosophy that we at Prophecy Impact Investments believe holds true even in the world of investment portfolios. We believe that what you invest in should reflect

who you are and what you’re passionate about.

Responsible Investments Leading

to a Better Environment

We are a company that focuses on investment portfolios that meet environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria. What does that mean to you, as an investor? It means you can feel comfort in knowing your money is going towards businesses that hold sustainability in high regard. These corporations monitor energy efficiency and alternative energy sources as well as reduce toxic emissions and waste. They take proactive steps to conserve and support the environment. In essence, they care about what you do—protecting our environment.

wet leaves

Everyone can make a difference in the environment and green investing is an attractive opportunity to do it.


Investors of today want to know that their money is not only growing in their portfolios, but also supporting the environment. When investing in ESG funds, you are not sacrificing performance. There’s no reason your money shouldn’t work for you as well as the things you believe in—after all, it’s your money. You want to make the world a better place for everyone in it, and we can help.

Let's Ensure a Great Future for

Our Generation & the Next

family on pier

We wouldn’t dream of asking you to compromise your values, and now, with Prophecy Impact Investments, there’s no need to. We are just as dedicated as you are to your causes and will do everything within our power to make sure that your portfolio fits you perfectly.


Prophecy Impact Investments might be online, but we’re plugged into your heartfelt needs, hopes, dreams, and goals and are here to help you do good for yourself and the planet.


Let us show you how.

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